Saturday, December 18, 2010

A literaly "Nanny State"

In this article Mary Rice states:

In a lawsuit filed on Wednesday, California mother Monet Parham is suing McDonald’s. With support from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this lawsuit alleges that McDonalds unfairly markets to children.

For cryin' out loud, is there no end to the lack of responsibility? If your kids are taken in by the advertising, stop exposing them to it. Get them away from the TeeVEE for five damn minutes and maybe they'll think you're their parent instead of the box. After that they might even listen to you. This is incredibly frustrating, and a sign of how far we as a society have driven our belief train off the reality track. Litigation as parenting sets a dangerous precedent...where does it end? I don't believe it ends anywhere, it just progresses with parents becoming more and more impotent, advertisers more and more bold.

They do it because we let them. Making a law will just waste time and money and advertisers will come up with more creative ways to skirt the law and get your kids. The core issue is parents not parenting, which is an indictment on society as a whole where our standard of living and cost of living is too high and as a result we've made slaves of ourselves. We're so enslaved, and so beaten down that we let them come for our kids and defer to the only savior we have left, the Government. But as you and I well know, government is a false deity, and it's not on your team.