Saturday, December 18, 2010

A literaly "Nanny State"

In this article Mary Rice states:

In a lawsuit filed on Wednesday, California mother Monet Parham is suing McDonald’s. With support from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this lawsuit alleges that McDonalds unfairly markets to children.

For cryin' out loud, is there no end to the lack of responsibility? If your kids are taken in by the advertising, stop exposing them to it. Get them away from the TeeVEE for five damn minutes and maybe they'll think you're their parent instead of the box. After that they might even listen to you. This is incredibly frustrating, and a sign of how far we as a society have driven our belief train off the reality track. Litigation as parenting sets a dangerous precedent...where does it end? I don't believe it ends anywhere, it just progresses with parents becoming more and more impotent, advertisers more and more bold.

They do it because we let them. Making a law will just waste time and money and advertisers will come up with more creative ways to skirt the law and get your kids. The core issue is parents not parenting, which is an indictment on society as a whole where our standard of living and cost of living is too high and as a result we've made slaves of ourselves. We're so enslaved, and so beaten down that we let them come for our kids and defer to the only savior we have left, the Government. But as you and I well know, government is a false deity, and it's not on your team.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

God is an anarchist

1: And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel.

3: And his sons walked not in his ways, but took bribes, and perverted judgment.
4: Then all the elders of Israel came to Samuel,
5: And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.
6: But the thing displeased Samuel, And Samuel prayed unto the LORD.

7: And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people

9: yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.
10: And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king.
11: And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, and some shall run before his chariots.
12: And he will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and his chariots.
13: And he will take your daughters to be cooks, and to be bakers. 14: And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.
15: And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.
16: And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work.
17: He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants.
18: And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen; and the LORD will not hear you in that day.

19: Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us;
20: That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.

21: And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD.
22: And the LORD said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king.


Doesn't this just piss you off?

This pisses me off. This should piss you off. I want you to get mad! Our government is helping BP to hide the effect of their negligence. If there ever was a case of corruption in our government, this is it.

Thank you Dallas Fed

So guys...the stimulus didn't work...guys? GUYS?

Monday, July 26, 2010

So that was interesting

If you managed to maintain your sanity after reading the stream of consciousness that was my last post, congratulations. That rambling monstrosity was my own thinking out loud, and what you read was my thoughts as I came to the final conclusion in real time. Sorry about that. But here's what I've basically decided:

No government+cooperative/competitive action is best but not feasible because people are people and nothing will change that. The strong will always conquer the weak and that's just how it is. So with this in mind, I now have a new goal. A goal to not be conquered. I wish to escape servitude, to self actualize, to realize a life of my own making and not the designs of another. We are a dysfunctional species and being such, I no longer hold any grand illusions of systemic improvement. Society goes in cycles of freedom and tyranny and the trick is being able to ride out the worst parts from a safe vantage point.

I need to find and achieve that vantage point.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Musings on trust, theft, utopia, and cycles.

Trust is everything. Trust makes the world go round. Trust is currency, trust is power, trust is capitalism, trust is socialism. Everything comes down to trust. We trust our parents to care for us and teach us about the world, we trust our teachers to continue this. We trust each-other to follow the guidelines we've laid out for surviving in this world. We trust each-other to drive on the agreed upon side of the road, to not pull out a gun and shoot each other as we go by. We trust our shop keepers to sell us quality goods. We trust our drug dealers to do the same. The entirety of functional society depends on this mutual trust. An action is perceived to be good if it rewards this trust, bad if it betrays it. It is the trust that you and I will accept the dollar as currency that gives it value that allows the efficient exchange of goods. It is trust in a company's profit motive that allows the capital markets to function.

I do not trust our leaders. I do not trust our CEO's. I do not trust any man or woman who sees fit to hold themselves over me or anyone else and command my actions without my direct consent.

Those who desire power are those that achieve it. To hold power over another is different from holding a position of leadership, but this is not an oft made distinction.

How can you trust someone who lives wholly separate from yourself to govern you. Even eschewing the very real possibility of corruption, nobody can determine one's needs better than one's own self. Can a politician know your hunger? Can any number of government studies capture your thirst? The best constructed census employing the best professional statisticians and collectors of information can provide only a paltry approximation of an average. It might be argued that we don't know what we need. That the individual is ignorant, short sighted, greedy and stupid. How then do you differentiate that individual from the one seeking power? Is the power seeker, by virtue of his desire, superior? Perhaps it's his wealth, the stature of his birth that lends him superior knowledge to govern the unwashed masses. Do these paragons of humanity arise from some superior genetic stock, some divine birthright such that they might rule over the Earth and all her creatures, including those not so blessed? Certainly they are different from us, lest any man may seek governance of his peers. We elect these captains of industry, men of education, men of politics, men seeking to power, to govern us. We give them dominance of ourselves, the fruits of our labours, our adoration, our support, our undivided attention, for what?

Strong Conquers weak, this is the way of the world. The bandits realise that stealing everything is not so profitable as stealing some and allowing the victims to rebuild and thus be stolen from again. The victims become a crop, harvested but not destroyed. Over time the thieves become more and more powerful, more cunning, and more demanding. By living off the productive efforts of the victims, they are free to grow stronger, to demand more, and to conquer more. Soon we are convinced that the thieves are necessary, that society could not exist without them. They keep order, we pay them to protect us from other thieves, and they do (one must protect one's assets after all). These thieves grow ever bolder, soon the willing victims are dying as a tool of the brigand's conquest. By this point, they are so entrenched, perceived as so incredibly vital to existence that to even question their motives is to invite scorn and derision.

What then is the rational victim to do? He cannot fight the thieves, for even were they not so strong, he must toil when they do not. By the end the thieves are so strong, so well equipped, and so entrenched that even efforts to organise an uprising fall flat, dismantled before any chance of momentum. Some victims lash out individually and are swiftly destroyed as a warning to any who would challenge their rulers. Terrorists, criminally insane. They are enemies of the flock, destroyers of value. No they are too strong. Victory cannot be achieved. The few that rise up will be hammered down, the many that don't will remain as they are. Inertia maintains, change is difficult, made doubly so by the interests of those on top. Entropy is no saviour either. Should they shear their sheep too close and the parasites die along with their hosts, new rulers will rise up and the cycle will begin again.

There is no change, only cyclical rise and fall. Order, then chaos, then order again. Strong dominating the weak until they can no longer be dominated then the new strong rising to dominate the new weak. A cycle of birth, death and rebirth, inescapable.

Perhaps not.

To where would I escape?
What would I do there?
Is it desirable to be free and alone?
If not alone, is it possible to put in place a structure to prevent a relapse back into this cycle of dominance and submission?
Can the thieves be resisted from the outset?

Competition instead of parasitism, co-operators in place of controllers, Trust.

Trust must be made so vital to survival that to lose it would be unthinkable. But this doesn't eliminate deception, just the poor deceivers. The successful deceivers will always benefit and the naive will always lose.

Perhaps there is no solution. No way to escape the cycle. The naive will always be, as will the cunning. Strong vs Weak.

Since one cannot escape the cycle, the next option is to determine one's preferred place in it and maintain that place to the best of one's ability.

Unfortunately, from where I'm standing, this is the best and worst of all possible worlds, constantly cycling from good to bad, and at this point in time, the world is in it's bad phase. I can take solace in the fact that it will eventually transition to a good phase which will be made all the sweeter by the depth of this bad phase.

Here's to the next phase.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Economic Myths

Stumbled upon this daily update by Mises institute. Lays out some serious flaws in the thinking of the general populace.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Senseless Census

A great post from the Mises institute on how one person who loves freedom and opposes coercion in all forms takes a stand against an oppressive, coercive state.

Don't talk to the Police.

Their job is to arrest you and get evidence for conviction, not help you out. summarizes all the reasons I will never talk to cops on one page, check it out.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

CATO's Alan Reynolds doesn't account for temporary Census numbers.

He writes

" This year, by contrast, civilian employment has increased by more than 1.6 million jobs, according to the BLS Current Population Survey of households. True, the Current Employment Survey of employers shows a smaller gain of 982,000 in nonfarm jobs over the past five months, nearly half of which were government jobs. But that still leaves private employment up by 495,000 or roughly 100,000 a month. "

What he fails to account for are is the fact that the Census Inflates Payrolls according to CNN. For the most part CATO is spot on, but in this case, Alan's missed the boat. The fact is, the majority of the gains in employment are temporary census workers, who have already been laid off by the time of this writing, who were paid in additional, non productive, government dollars. This further increases inflation as the treasury credits the accounts of all these workers for a couple months, and then kicks them to the curb to immediately spend all of the money they earned, keeping what's left of our little bubble going until reelection, at which point it doesn't matter.

Believe the Double Dippers. We're not out of the woods yet. Now is the time to be skeptical and financially responsible. We're being fed a load of bull, but it's OK to spit out the funnel.

CARPE DIEM: New Research on College Teaching Evaluations

CARPE DIEM: New Research on College Teaching Evaluations

I've been debating with the UO about the waste of time that are University course evaluations, turns out I was right, for the wrong reasons.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Heh, economist humor


Just a cool video that zooms in on itself for a long time. After you watch it, when you look at things they get all wavy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

People are finally standing up for their own civil rights.

In a 45-page opinion, Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled that the government had violated a 1978 federal statute requiring court approval for domestic surveillance when it intercepted phone calls of Al Haramain, a now-defunct Islamic charity in Oregon.

Hells yeah. It's about damn time people started exercising their fourth amendment rights, and about time judges started saying that in America, your business is none of Obama's.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Maybe read the bill next time.

Apparently, our US Senators and Representatives were so oblivious to what was actually going through on the health bill that they didn't realize to what extend they would lose out. It's fairly common knowledge that congress is incompetent, but these people are now failing to even act in their OWN self interest. If they can't even look out for themselves, how can we possibly expect them to look out for us.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Milton on Racist government, free markets, and defeating poverty

After two labor economics classes, I have to agree with good ol' Milton.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Pelosi on why it's ok to send people to jail if they don't buy healthcare.

Forever has the government been involved in forcing consumers to buy what it deems necessary through taxes, now it's attacking from the other end, imprisoning dissenters, people who can't afford private insurance but don't want to pay for public insurance through taxes.

Buying my passport tomorrow.


This is a copy of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA Treaty. While many will agree that there is a problem in that the various industries in which piracy is a threat are losing significant revenue, everyone should be aware that this is a terrifying step in the wrong direction.

From Wikipedia:

"Critics argue ACTA is part of a broader strategy of venue shopping and policy laundering employed by the trade representatives of the US, EU, Japan, and other supporters of rigid intellectual property enforcement. This strategy entails negotiating for terms in international treaties that might prove too politically unpopular to pass in national assemblies."

Global treaties being enforced because their contents are too unpopular with national assemblies. This sets a DANGEROUS precedent. Perhaps there's a reason this strategy is politically unpopular in national assemblies? The whole thing reeks of a sidestepping and totalitarian "We're going to do whatever we want" and I don't like it one bit.

More from wikipedia

A document leaked to the public in 2008 includes a provision to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide information about suspected copyright infringers without a warrant.[6] A March 2010 leak included the proposed text for this provision.[7]

At first glance, it's easy to say "oh, no problem. Only pirates will be affected, those damn pirates, taking all the money from the poor record company executives. Look again, primarily at the words suspected, and the words without a warrant. I know we're all used to this what with the patriot act and all, but this isn't even for government agencies. This is for civil suits.

Here's the text of a leaked version

it's a ton of legalese that would take hours to pore over but if you don't take my word for it, here it is. The coolest thing is, we can't vote on this, these are international treaties. Whatever happens, happens and we just have to sit by and do nothing while our rights are stripped away for the sake of profits.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Continuing on my tangent of "everything is a lie" Today I look at SLS, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. It's the High fructose corn syrup of personal hygiene products, existing in shampoos, conditioners, soaps, toothpaste and deodorants. Here's the junk.

  • Carcinogenic nitrosamines can form in the manufacturing of sodium lauryl sulfate or by its inter-reaction with other nitrogen-bearing ingredients within a formulation utilizing this ingredient.
  • Other studies have indicated that sodium lauryl sulfate enters and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, lungs and brain from skin contact. This poses the question whether it could be a serious potential health threat from its use in shampoos, cleansers, and toothpastes.
  • Still other research has indicated sodium lauryl sulfate may be damaging to the immune system, especially within the skin. Skin layers may separate and inflame due to its protein denaturing properties.
  • Although sodium lauryl sulfate is not carcinogenic in experimental studies, it has been shown that it causes severe epidermal changes in the area it is applied, indicating a need for tumor-enhancing assays.
  • Additional studies have found that sodium lauryl sulfate is heavily deposited on the skin surface and in the hair follicles. Damage to the hair follicle could result from such deposition.
I now chew miswak, wash my hair with home-poured glycerin soap, and wash my hair with baking soda and vinegar. My teeth are white, I'm cleaner than ever, and my dandruff/itching scalp has finally gone away.

Just sayin.

Great new book I'm reading/listening to

The Market for Liberty
by Linda and Morris Tannehill

available in audiobook form here and downloadable as a pdf here.

This book talks about how people could survive without government, and also without murdering each other. Fascinating insights, things I've thought about and things I'd never imagined. Take a look, I plan on using some of this book in my future economic/philosophical/political debates.

Lemme know what you think.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are you SERIOUS!?

nobody saw anything wrong with allowing the patenting of living organisms? Really? Off the top of my head...I could probably get a good 20.

but none as bad as this.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

my friend Sarah

Crazy how true this is. Life changin' stuff those econ classes.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Changing the tone

Wow it's been a while. I just dropped my facebook and now I lack a venue to voice my opinions and interesting things I find online, as well as my own amateur political and economic commentary. Thus this will be, as well as a documentation of my business pursuits, a general "what's good, what's bad according to Aaron" hope that's cool with you guys, as I have no readers yet, yeah, I'm pretty sure it will be.